Bamboo Kungfu
This is an ongoing effort to plant the seeds of the foundation at the Ngousso site in Yaounde Cameroon. The idea to use bamboo for a cost efficitve fence came to mind after seeing some local bamboo being disregarded as inferior to wood.

Implanting Bamboo Pillars
After some thought on the design, we chose to make it as simple yet sturdy as possible. Much like the begining of any martial art, a good foundation is the key to success. So we plant a sturdy pillar every 2.5 metres to serve as the foundation pillars of the job.
Link them
Lets link those pillars with some 2b3s.

Bamboo Up
Screw bamboo to 2b3s from inside
Now how to do the gates?
Making sure to keep a uniform height

Work in progress.
The current Idea. The art of the mastery is never finished, but instead evolves with time.

bamboo corner
Bamboo Corner
The Place to be!
We got so carried away we ended up doing the entire compound in bamboo.
Its no wonder the locals started calling it bamboo corner.